Tantus Inc. is proud to announce that their wildly popular Online Training Series will continue on June 25th, 2014.
The Online trainings hosted by renowned Sex Educator Ducky Doolittle will demystify the female orgasm, compare ancient Eastern knowledge, current scientific data, personal discoveries, tips & techniques and send you home with a wealth of orgasmic knowledge and resources. Doolittle will also unveil why some touches deliver amazing stimulation and how to draw deeper orgasmic responses.
“Here at Tantus we believe sex toys are teaching tools. This is why we have ongoing sex education classes to help bloggers, writers, sex educators, and retail staff better understand both sexual anatomy and how our anatomically targeted toys deliver response,” says Ducky Doolittle.
This is part 1 of a 2 part series on female response and orgasms with a specific emphasis on Tantus Toys and how they are different from any other brand available today. The session is open to sex educators, writers, retail staff, Tantus customers, and brand advocates. Each session is 45 minutes, live online and followed by a Q&A session.
Tantus presents Bigger, Better Orgasms for Her
June 25th, 2014
4pm (ET) / 3pm (CT) / 2pm (MT) / 1pm (PT)
RSVP: Spots are limited. RSVP required. Click here:
All Tantus Toys are made from Tantus' own unique blend of Ultra-Premium Silicone. The superior quality of Tantus silicone makes all Tantus Toys hypoallergenic, non-toxic, phthalate free, heavy metal free, odorless, boilable, bleachable and even dishwasher safe. These factors combined make Tantus Toys the safest and most pleasurable toys on the market. A toy from Tantus is meant to be used and with minimal care Tantus Toys can last a lifetime.
Ducky DooLittle is a sex educator from NYC. She is the Education Coordinator at Tantus, Inc. and the author of "Sex with the Lights On: 200 Illuminating Sex Questions Answered". Ducky has appeared in the New York Times, HBO's Real Sex, The Morning Show, MTV, NPR, The Howard Stern Show and Playboy TV, to name a few.X