Whew! We have had one busy spring – and there is a lot to say, so let’s get down and dirty with it.
First of all, we successfully launched two awesome products: The Raptor XL and the Original 3-Speed Bullet Vibe. Before you ask, YES, the Raptor XL is huge and awesome, and YES, all three speeds of our bullet feel amazing.
We also got nominated for two awards through Storerotica this year: “Boutique Brand of the Year” and “Special Focus Award: Male Toys.” Show us your love and vote at from May 15th – June 7th.
There has been a fun and exciting expansion of Tantus Inc’s social media lately – and we need your help! Find us on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter and show us what Tantus means to you. Post pictures, send us quotes, get creative with hashtags, and tag us in anything that you think represents Tantus. We want to know what you think, and want to work together to build an open, honest, fun-loving toy community. Use the tag #IAMTANTUS to be eligible for special prizes and promotions too… who doesn’t love new toys? Keep an eye on our Instagram too… there tend to be fun surprises hiding there.
Finally… Tantus is about to do something crazy. We’ve decided to sponsor the 2013 Expedition Man ( in Reno, NV. Expedition Man is a challenging, beautiful, full-length triathlon that courses through the extraordinary scenery of Northern Nevada. Tantus, Inc is a firm believer in “good, clean, fun” and health-conscious, body-conscious play, and for that reason, we believe that teaming up to sponsor something as great as Expedition Man provides a perfect blend of passions. Catch us on Saturday, August 24th from 10am-6pm in Reno off of Longley Lane, and be ready to play hard!
That’s about it for now, we have work to do!